
Thanks for checking out my site. I am a musician, linguist, writer, and map maker. With a plethora of music projects (including four albums), a blog about rivers, and a passion for languages and maps, I strive to create content that people enjoy as much as I enjoy creating. You can find all of these things below, just click on the picture to go to the page. Or, if you’re feeling fancy, the bar at the top of the page will also do the trick.



One-stop shop for all of my music projects. I mainly write relaxing instrumental acoustic tunes that evoke a sense of happy nostalgia. (Also great to fall asleep/wake up to.) I also have some fun MIDI side projects that I revisit occasionally.


A blog that started with the question: “Where does this river start?” I am fascinated with local history, so I’ve set out to a few locations both near home and abroad to explore their rivers and their historical contexts. Sometimes there isn’t much history-wise, but I love highlighting unique geographical features— especially ones that survive around human development.


Worldbuilding is one of my favorite hobbies, as it combines several of my favorite hobbies (including language-making and map-making below), and most often I manifest these ideas in poetry and prose. More to be added soon.


Creating languages is a perfect way to exercise linguistic knowledge or add flavor to a story. (see J.R.R. Tolkien)

Here are some of the languages I’ve developed over the years, either for stories or just for fun.


Oh man I just love maps. Where things are, how everything is connected, topographic, geographic, it’s my favorite graphic. I especially love the shapes and the formations of coasts and rivers. Here are some I’ve made myself.


Just some of my favorite things!